Змея песчаная западноафриканская - Psammophis afroccidentalis: первичные данные

Новая песчаная змея в Западной Африке: Psammophis afroccidentalis

Обитает в Чаде, Камеруне и Центральноафриканской Республике.

Новый вид родственен P. rukwae.

Jean-François Trape, Pierre-André Crochet, Donald G. Broadley, Patricia Sourouille, Youssouph Mané, Marius Burger, Wolfgang Böhme, Mostafa Saleh, Anna Karan, Benedetto Lanza and Oleg Mediannikov. 2019. On the Psammophis sibilans group (Serpentes, Lamprophiidae, Psammophiinae) North of 12°S, with the Description of A New Species from West Africa.

Bonn zoological Bulletin. 68(1); 61–91

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Psammophis afroccidentalis

Geographic distribution of the sequenced specimens of P. sibilans and other species frequently confounded with P. sibilans: P. phillipsi, P. mossambicus, P. rukwae, P. sudanensis, and P. afroccidentalis sp. nov. One symbol may correspond to several specimens from neighbouring localities. Location of type locality is approximate for P. sibilans (“Egypt”), P. phillipsi (“Liberia”) and P. mossambicus (“insel Mossambique”).

Geographic distribution of the sequenced specimens of P. sibilans and other species frequently confounded with P. sibilans: P. phillipsi, P. mossambicus, P. rukwae, P. sudanensis, and P. afroccidentalis sp. nov. One symbol may correspond to several specimens from neighbouring localities. Location of type locality is approximate for P. sibilans (“Egypt”), P. phillipsi (“Liberia”) and P. mossambicus (“insel Mossambique”).

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